You can donate either online through our website or directly into one of our tills in select locations island-wide. Your donations help us reach more dogs and save more lives each year.
You can also choose to sponsor the treatment of our dogs. The most common cause of rescue remains road traffic accidents. Boarding and treatment for these cases are prolonged and substantial. You can be a part of our rescue and treatment program by choosing and sponsoring a rescue or special needs dog for a day, a month or longer. Alternately please email to find out about dogs requiring sponsorship.
No contribution is too small, visit to make a difference today!
Volunteers are essential for our work and as we expand our reach, Embark is always on the lookout for more help. Volunteers help with Embark events, at our partnered veterinary hospital and on follow-ups and rescues alongside the Embark team. Our volunteers also act as brand ambassadors, consistently educating and creating awareness whilst also raising funds for the cause. Please drop us an email at
for all volunteering related queries.
If you can’t donate you can still help raise funds for Embark activities or even to fund just one specific rescue dog. Embark can give you guidance and help to conduct a small or large fundraiser which can be anything from a bake sale or a concert to a sponsored run.
Alternately you can help raise funds by getting a shop you know or your company to keep an Embark till. Tills will be provided by Embark. Please drop us an email at
for any questions or ideas you may have regarding fundraisers.
Adopting a rescue puppy is the first step in forging a life-long friendship with a truly wonderful canine companion. Choosing to adopt gives homeless rescue pups a second chance at life. Finding the perfect puppy for you is the first step, and we’re glad to help! Email us on
to find out more.
Fosters are the backbone of our adoption program. Fostering a little puppy for two to three months can be a truly life changing experience for you and your fostered pup. Born on the streets, many pups will perish without the love and care a foster family brings.
All you need do, is provide a loving temporary home with food, water and shelter. Embark covers all veterinary expenses and can help you ease into your role of puppy-guardian! Puppies will remain with their foster family for two to three months, during which time they will be honing their social skills and getting ready for adoption!
You can help raise awareness on rabies, responsible pet ownership, and the importance of sterilization, vaccination and community care for street dogs. You can reach out to fellow students, colleagues, friends, or clubs and societies of which you are a member. From setting up an information booth, a bulletin board or even organizing your very own awareness day, Embark will provide you with all necessary support.
You can also help get the word out regarding sterilization and vaccination clinics, dogs to be rescued, pups needing foster care, or rescue pups and special needs dogs needing kind homes. Talking to families, friends and colleagues, using every medium from social media to print and post, you can be an ambassador for the needs and welfare of street dogs in Sri Lanka.
Embark’s operation uses a unique concept; our activities are primarily funded by selling range of street pooch-inspired merchandise. The collection includes trendy clothing jewellery and accessories that feature bright hues, catchy slogans and endearing doggy motifs.
A percentage of profits from the sale of all Embark merchandise goes directly towards funding our treatment, vaccination, sterilization, and education/awareness programs.