Otara recently spent some time at Dog Care Clinic, Mihiripenna visiting the paralyzed dogs that have been rescued by Embark and who now live at the sanctuary.
Click below to see Shirby greeting Otara. He was hit by a vehicle over 2 years ago and unfortunately will never be able to walk again, yet he is such a happy pooch! Meet Millie who was undergoing daily physiotherapy to strengthen her two front legs and hopefully will be more mobile soon!
Millie who was rescued by #Embark has her daily physiotherapy at Dog Care Clinic, where she lives now. This will help her to strengthen her front legs which and to be more mobile in the days ahead.#specialneeds #embarkrescue #rescuedogs #dogcareclinicev #loveastreetpooch #makeadifference
Posted by Otara Gunewardene on Saturday, June 29, 2019
Some of the very special doggies of #Embark. I am always given a very warm welcome which I return with the lot of hugs and kisses ?❤️#specialneeds #embarkrescue #rescuedogs #dogcareclinicev #loveastreetpooch
Posted by Otara Gunewardene on Friday, June 28, 2019
Two more of the latest rescues of #Embark who are paralyzed. They are currently receiving physiotherapy and treatment to make their front legs stronger at Dog Care Clinic.#specialneeds #embarkrescue #rescuedogs #dogcareclinicev #loveastreetpooch
Posted by Otara Gunewardene on Friday, June 28, 2019
Visiting the special #Embark dogs at Dog Care Clinic.
Posted by Otara Gunewardene on Friday, June 28, 2019