Initiated in November 2011, the three to four year project targets the entirety of the Maharagama DS Division (population 185,193). The project focuses on stray dog population and rabies control via surgical sterilisation and comprehensive anti-rabies vaccination. This is supported by an education programme which focuses on creating awareness and educating the public; nurturing responsible pet ownership and encouraging communities to sterilise and regularly vaccinate owned dogs.
The project is initiated and funded by Embark. The project began with Blue Paw Trust (BPT) as the veterinary service provider, and now the service provision role has been taken over by Tsunami Animal-People Alliance (TAPA). All activities are carried out in collaboration and consultation with local Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) and office of the Medical Officer of Health (Government representative of the Department of Health Services).
TAPA Sri Lanka
Since inception in November 2011, the project has completed the targeted 70% vaccination of all owned and roaming dogs (team achieved 81%). A second round of rabies vaccination is underway and the project continues to work toward 70% owned and roaming dog sterilisations (team has achieved 65% so far). Primary and secondary school children from 15 of 21 schools within the Maharagama educational division were also educated on rabies awareness, responsible pet ownership and dog bite prevention.
To date, a total of 2,005 sterilisations, 18,183 vaccinations and 4,701 treatments have been carried out. animals for contractable diseases like TVTs or mange. The team has also worked in local schools, creating awareness on the dangers of rabies, and educating primary and secondary level students on dog-bite prevention and responsible pet ownership..